Owners and Supereditors also have the option of changing the status and reassigning the sample to one of the annotators. This option is useful when a set of samples is unsatisfactory and you need a different annotator to review or re-annotate.

<aside> 💡 To assign/change the status of a sample, simply select the required samples and press on the three dots present on the top right corner, then click on the assign to user option.



Assign to user option needs you to select the status and a user to assign it to

<aside> 💡 A sample can also be moved from a previous step to a further step. E.g From Ready for review to straight away Ready for Client Review.



Any status from among these can be selected

Screenshot (192).png

Screenshot (193).png

Screenshot (194).png

Finally, assign a user for it

Screenshot (196).png

<aside> ↩️ Back to Files page
