Create a New Video project

Step1 Selecting Data

Once at the New project page, To create a new project, first select an existing project name at the top. A popup will open displaying all projects within the workspace, along with a 'Create New Project' button. Click on 'Create New Project' to begin.

Give your project a suitable name and select the Video data type. Then click on Save and Next.

<aside> 💡 Only one data type can be selected per project



Step2 Upload/Attach existing dataset

If a new dataset is to be created, choose the type of data that you possess. There are plenty of options available like Google Drive, Dropbox, Google Cloud, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure & Local Upload.


<aside> 💡 For more on how to upload files from different sources, check out this link Datasets


If you wish to use the pre-existing data from another project, just scroll down and select the desired dataset.

<aside> 💡 Only datasets with data types matching the project's data type are shown


Next, fill in the new dataset details: Name, Description & Permission Level and click again on Save and Next.

Screenshot (131)__01.png

Step3 Label Configuration