Segment Anything Model (SAM)

A new AI model from Meta AI that can "cut out" any object, in any image, with a single click.

SAM is a promptable segmentation system with zero-shot generalization to unfamiliar objects and images, without the need for additional training.

We have used the capability of SAM to build a more accurate and fast annotation pipeline. This feature enables a user to draw segmentation around a object via only a single click on that object .

Note- Before going forward, please ensure that your are familiar with the Annotation Projects, Datasets and Annotation Pipelines at Labellerr. If not please visit the below links :-

  1. How to create a datasets at workspace level?

  2. How to create a new project??

  3. Start Labelling

First we need to create a polygon type annotation question with the name of object that we want to auto-segment. Select that polygon object. An auto segment icon in the icons list above the file will appear. Click on the auto segment icon , Select ‘Interact’.


Click on the required object to auto label in the image. Wait for a few seconds, the object will be segmented.


<aside> 💡 Check the video tutorial to implement this feature.


screen-capture (62).webm

<aside> 🚨 For further assistance contact [email protected]


<aside> 🔙 For assistance on a different topic, visit the Help Center .
