<aside> 💡 The status bar displays the status of the samples at all times


Screenshot (201).png

Field Description
Total shows the total number of samples active the in current dataset for annotation
Accepted shows the annotated samples that are accepted by a reviewer
Remaining shows the number of data sets left by the user
Assigned shows the number of data sets to be labelled by an individual labeller/ user
Partial Annotation shows partially worked sampled
In review shows the samples sent for review
In client review shows the samples sent for client review
Client Rejected shows the samples rejected by the client
Skipped shows samples that were not annotated
Review skipped shows the reviewer skipped samples
Client Review skipped shows the client skipped samples
Rejected shows the annotated samples rejected by reviewers or clients
Completed keeps a track of the percentage completed

<aside> ↩️ Go back to Dashboard
