<aside> 💡 The status bar displays the status of the samples at all times
Field | Description |
Total | shows the total number of samples active the in current dataset for annotation |
Accepted | shows the annotated samples that are accepted by a reviewer |
Remaining | shows the number of data sets left by the user |
Assigned | shows the number of data sets to be labelled by an individual labeller/ user |
Partial Annotation | shows partially worked sampled |
In review | shows the samples sent for review |
In client review | shows the samples sent for client review |
Client Rejected | shows the samples rejected by the client |
Skipped | shows samples that were not annotated |
Review skipped | shows the reviewer skipped samples |
Client Review skipped | shows the client skipped samples |
Rejected | shows the annotated samples rejected by reviewers or clients |
Completed | keeps a track of the percentage completed |
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